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Practice Updates



Most appointments can be in person or virtual. In person office visits are available for those who want/need an in person evaluation. Post-op patients will need to attend their post-op appointment unless otherwise advised. ​


Missed appointments are lost time slots for patients who want/need an office appointment. Please notify us if you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment well in advance so we can use your reserved time slot for someone in need. 

We thank you for your time and understanding. Please contact us if you have individualized concerns that require further discussion. 


Mang Chen, MD​



Please follow the office Twitter/X link G.U. Recon Clinic for more frequent updates. 


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G.U. Recon Mang Chen MD 2019  


G.U. Recon Clinic

45 Castro St. Ste 111

San Francisco, CA 94114

Office: 415-481-3890

Fax: 309-328-3827


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