The technique Dr. Chen uses for glansplasty is a modification of the Norfolk technique, which involves creating a skin flap around the phallus that is rolled upon itself to create a ridge. The flap is then diagonally rolled on the underside of the phallus towards the midline to create an anatomic glans appearance. The area behind the ridge then requires a split thickness skin graft for coverage. This skin graft is harvested from the lower abdomen or groin crease. Sometimes, glansplasty is performed at time of phalloplasty (done by microsurgeon). Other times, it is performed 3-6 months after phalloplasty (reconstructive urologist or plastic surgeon). It can be performed with testis implants and monsplasty.

Photo after IPP insertion and monsplasty

1 yr postop photo of glansplasty performed by Dr. Chen

Patient had a monsplasty at time of glansplasty. The graft for the glans came from the mons skin.

Patient has a urethral catheter because urethroplasty was performed at the same time as glansplasty.

Patient has a urethral catheter because urethroplasty was performed at the same time as glansplasty.

Patient is about 1 yr out from glansplasty. This is the immediate postop appearance after inflatable penile prothesis insertion. The testicle implant is placed on the left side of the scrotum; the pump component is placed on the right.

Patient is about 1 yr out from glansplasty. This is the immediate postop appearance after inflatable penile prothesis insertion. The testicle implant is placed on the left side of the scrotum; the pump component is placed on the right.

Patient is about 1 yr out from glansplasty. This is the immediate postop appearance after inflatable penile prothesis insertion. The testicle implant is placed on the left side of the scrotum; the pump component is placed on the right.

Patient had ALT phalloplasty previously. Once girth was of the desired dimensions, he underwent glansplasty and testis implant insertion simultaneously.

Patient has glans ridge atrophy; tattoos can be seen on penile shaft.

Glans revised by making an incision behind the prior skin graft and incorporating that into the new ridge. A new skin graft is harvested to cover the resultant wound from the left groin.

Glans revised by making an incision behind the prior skin graft and incorporating that into the new ridge. A new skin graft is harvested to cover the resultant wound from the left groin.

Glans revised by making an incision behind the prior skin graft and incorporating that into the new ridge. A new skin graft is harvested to cover the resultant wound from the left groin.

Ridge of glans (the corona) is redefined with a new skin graft taken from the left groin. This was performed greater than 6 months out from inflatable penile implant insertion.

Ridge of glans (the corona) is redefined with a new skin graft taken from the left groin. This was performed greater than 6 months out from inflatable penile implant insertion.

Ridge of glans (the corona) is redefined with a new skin graft taken from the left groin. This was performed greater than 6 months out from inflatable penile implant insertion.

Patient had glansplasty and testis implant insertion performed at the same time.

Patient had glansplasty and testis implant insertion performed at the same time.

Patient had glansplasty and urethral procedure at same time.

Patient had a monsplasty at time of glansplasty. The graft for the glans came from the mons skin.

Patient had a monsplasty at time of glansplasty. The graft for the glans came from the mons skin.

Patient had a monsplasty at time of glansplasty. The graft for the glans came from the mons skin.

Pt did not have ideal thigh anatomy and therefore opted for no UL. This allowed us to make a more physiologic sized penis. This photo is nine months postop penis girth reduction and glansplasty.

About 6 months postop glansplasty and testis implants.

Patient had RF phalloplasty and required stricture repair at the same time. The tube coming out of the penis is the urethral catheter.

Patient had RF phalloplasty and required stricture repair at the same time. The tube coming out of the penis is the urethral catheter.

Patient had RF phalloplasty and required stricture repair at the same time. The tube coming out of the penis is the urethral catheter.

Patient had RF phalloplasty and required stricture repair at the same time. The tube coming out of the penis is the urethral catheter.

Patient had glansplasty and penis plication (girth reduction) at the same surgery.

Patient had glansplasty and penis plication (girth reduction) at the same surgery.

Patient had RF phalloplasty and required stricture repair at the same time. The tube coming out of the penis is the urethral catheter.

Patient had RF phalloplasty and required stricture repair at the same time. The tube coming out of the penis is the urethral catheter.

Patient had a semi-rigid implant previously. After 3 months, he returned for glans revision due to flattening of the ridge.

Frequently, glansplasty and testis implants can be performed at the same time.

Patient had a glansplasty done at time of phalloplasty. The ridge flattened, requiring a glans revision 8 months later. Patient developed a stricture that was repaired through a vertical scrotal incision with a catheter placement. This photo is the immediate postop photo after stricture repair which shows a well defined glans (9 months after glans revision surgery)

1 year postop

1 year postop

Immediate postop photo of patient 2 yrs out from glansplasty who had the inflatable penile prosthesis inserted (implant is deflated).