Immediate postop photo. Yellow dressing is antimicrobial "saran" wrap to minimize infection. Incision is in front of the pubic bone. The 3 components of the inflatable penile implant (rod, reservoir, pump) and inserted through this incision.

Immediate postop photo. Yellow dressing is antimicrobial "saran" wrap to minimize infection. Incision is in front of the pubic bone. The 3 components of the inflatable penile implant (rod, reservoir, pump) and inserted through this incision.

Patient is about 1 yr out from glansplasty. This is the immediate postop appearance after inflatable penile prothesis insertion. The testicle implant is placed on the left side of the scrotum; the pump component is placed on the right.

Patient is about 1 yr out from glansplasty. This is the immediate postop appearance after inflatable penile prothesis insertion. The testicle implant is placed on the left side of the scrotum; the pump component is placed on the right.

Patient is about 1 yr out from glansplasty. This is the immediate postop appearance after inflatable penile prothesis insertion. The testicle implant is placed on the left side of the scrotum; the pump component is placed on the right.

Patient had RF Phalloplasty about 1 year prior.

Patient had RF phalloplasty April 2018. Implants were inserted about 1.5 years later.

Immediate postop photo. Yellow dressing is antimicrobial "saran" wrap to minimize infection. Incision is in front of the pubic bone. The 3 components of the inflatable penile implant (rod, reservoir, pump) and inserted through this incision.

Immediate postop photo. Yellow dressing is antimicrobial "saran" wrap to minimize infection. Incision is in front of the pubic bone. The goal is to place the implant close enough to the tip of the penis to facilitate penetrative intercourse, but not so close that it increases the risk of skin erosion.

Immediate postop photo. Yellow dressing is antimicrobial "saran" wrap to minimize infection. Incision is in front of the pubic bone. The goal is to place the implant close enough to the tip of the penis to facilitate penetrative intercourse, but not so close that it increases the risk of skin erosion.

Immediate postop photo. Yellow dressing is antimicrobial "saran" wrap to minimize infection. Incision is in front of the pubic bone. The goal is to place the implant close enough to the tip of the penis to facilitate penetrative intercourse, but not so close that it increases the risk of skin erosion.

Flaccid state in patient A

Erect state in patient A. Not all inflatable implants will stand straight after full inflation as anatomy of the phallus and pubic bone anchor differ from patient to patient.

Immediate Postop Photo

Immediate postoperative photo. Testis implants are inserted at the same time.

Placed about 1 year ago. The scrotal incisions are for placement of testis implants.

RF phalloplasty done 1 year prior. This is an immediate postop photo after semi-rigid penile implant insertion. The yellow covering is surgical wrap that helps cover the skin and minimize infection risk. The incision just above the base of the phallus is the one required for implant placement and anchoring to the pubic bone.

RF phalloplasty patient had semi-rigid penile implant insertion 1 year postop. The yellow covering is surgical wrap that helps cover the skin and minimize infection risk.

About 2 years after phalloplasty surgery and 1 year after implant surgery.

About 2 years after phalloplasty surgery and 1 year after implant surgery.

This patient is over 1 year out from testis implant insertion, but had small testis implants. His scrotal skin has since stretched and he wanted larger implants.

Semirigid penile implant was placed about 1 year prior to testis implant upsizing from a size #1 to a size #2 testis implant bilaterally.

Patient had glansplasty and testicular implant insertion into the right and left hemiscrotum. The incisions are covered with purple skin glue.

Patient had testis implants inserted 9 months after ALT phalloplasty. This is a 2 week postop photo after testis implant insertion into each hemiscrotum.

Penile implant replaced, glans revision completed, and testis implants inserted

1 month postop photo of same ALT phallus patient after testis implant insertion.

Patient wanted testis implants and glansplasty revision at the same time.

Patient wants right and left testis implants placed along with glansplasty with the skin graft taken from the mons region.

Patient had right and left testis implants placed along with glansplasty with the skin graft taken from the mons region.

Patient had glansplasty revision and testicular implant insertion into the right and left hemiscrotum. The incisions have healed.

Patient had testis implants placed about 6 months after metoidioplasty with scrotoplasty. This is his 2 month postop photo from testis implant insertion. Note: metoidioplasty scrotums are always smaller than phalloplasty scrotums and therefore require smaller testis implants.