There are seemingly non-dangerous activities that negatively affect surgical outcomes, including smoking/vaping/inhaling nicotine and non-nicotine products. We need patients to notify us of any nicotine use (including chewing tobacco, nicotine gum) and of any inhalational product use. Such activities may severely compromise patient outcomes as it increases risk of perioperative complications. We ask patients to stop these activities 3-6 months prior to surgery. Stopping as early as possible is ideal. Second hand smoke may also negatively affect surgical results, and we advise our patients to avoid being around anyone while they smoke.
Similarly, there are drugs (prescribed and non-prescribed) that may compromise wound healing and surgical outcomes. Some examples include steroid use for inflammatory disorders, like prednisone for asthma, or Accutane (Isoretinoin) for acne. There are other medications that may negatively affect healing. A complete, accurate, and updated medication list will help us identify these drugs.
Being the healthiest version of you is also vitally important. We encourage patients to eat natural and healthy foods (i.e. avoid too much fast food and processed foods) and exercise regularly. Crash diets and exercises (diets and routines that are difficult to maintain) are not helpful and sometimes harmful.
Failure to comply with the above may lead to rescheduling of your surgery to avoid devastating complications.