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The following links are to photos of patients who have had glansplasty, metoidioplasty, phalloplasty, phallus/scrotal reconstruction, and implant surgery. Patients' anatomy differ, as does their healing abilities. Therefore, it is important to understand that these photos are representations of each individual's results and not indicative of what a prospective patient will receive. However, patients with similar medical histories, anatomy, and healing abilities may expect similar results.


NOTE: you must be at least 18 years old or accompanied by an adult guardian or parent to view the photos on the following links. By clicking on the links below, you are verifying that you are in compliance.  


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G.U. Recon Mang Chen MD 2019  


G.U. Recon Clinic

45 Castro St. Ste 111

San Francisco, CA 94114

Office: 415-481-3890

Fax: 309-328-3827


DISCLAIMER: The content on this website, including all forms, files, documents, texts, and photos, are for informational purposes only. It is not intended to replace the care and attention of your doctor or other professional medical services. Please speak with your doctor if you have questions about your health. The GU Recon website does not provide specific, individualized medical advice and does not officially endorse any medical or professional service obtained through information provided on this site or any links to this site.

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