Testis Implant Removal
Fever: elevated body temperature; if greater than 101°F, notify your surgeon
Rash: new red spots that develop on the skin
Constipation: not having regular bowel movements (example: one large bowel movement per day is expected)
Erosion: the implant is visible through the skin
Infection: surgical site that has redness that spreads beyond the incision line combined with increased pain and tissue swelling and/or pus
Activity: Avoid any activity or position that puts strain or tension on your incisions.
Examples: sitting on your scrotum; putting your thighs close together, compressing your scrotum; plopping into a chair; sit ups, pull ups.
Pain is the body’s way of telling you a certain movement or position may inhibit healing; listen to your body and limit those positions and movements.
Walking is encouraged (about 1 hour per day; example: six 10-minute walks); check the surgical sites to make sure pressure/tension isn't applied on the incisions while walking.
No jogging for 6 weeks; start slowly and gradually increase to your pre-surgery cardio routine.
Avoid sexual activity for 8 weeks.
Return to work: for desk dominant jobs, many can return to work when their pain is well controlled (usually 1-2 days after surgery). For jobs that are strenuous, 6 weeks off may be more appropriate.
Diet: eat normally whenever your appetite returns. Water is a good drink choice.
Showering: may shower in 2 days; no baths/pools for 6 weeks.
Underwear: When wearing underwear, it may be more comfortable to have gauze over the incision. Slightly loose boxer briefs tend to work well. You will typically have mesh underwear after surgery.
Genital positioning: position the penis and scrotum in a comfortable spot; it’s different for everyone.
Driving: Do not drive while taking pain meds; therefore, don’t drive yourself until you are completely off pain meds.
Incision/wound: closely observing the incision/wound and avoiding certain activities will help it heal.
Avoid putting tension on the incision site/wound.
Frequently, patients are provided mesh underwear with gauze; this can be removed and/or discarded a few hours later or the following day.
Ice: it is ok to use it off and on (15 min on the surgical site, then 15 min off) but avoid it if you have temporary numbness (forgetting to remove the ice pack may lead to frost bite and necrosis).
Infection: redness spreading beyond the incision combined with worsening swelling and pain, and sometimes fever (defined as higher than 101°F) are consistent with infection; notify your surgeon immediately. If you notice chest pain or lightheadedness with these symptoms, call 911.
Pain: this is very common and should stay about the same for a few days and gradually improve thereafter. It is not normal if the pain progressively worsens without any activity (that is, pain not brought on by any particular activity).
Constipation: very common after surgery especially when needing to take pain meds regularly; make sure to take miralax or other stool softener while you are on pain meds.
Drainage: it is expected/normal if it is a small amount of slightly blood-tinged yellow fluid. It is not normal if it is bright red blood or cloudy and cream colored, or if there is a large continuous volume with no improvement.
Bleeding: occasional spot bleeding from the skin edges is expected and should stop with time; sometimes holding pressure over the incision for 5-10 minutes is required. If there is any concern or the bleeding does not stop, contact your surgeon.
Take over the counter Tylenol 1000 mg every 6-8 hrs for baseline pain control. This will likely be needed for 3-7 days.
Tramadol 50mg tablet: pain medication; take 1-2 tablets every 6-8 hrs as needed for breakthrough pain.
Over the counter ibuprofen 200-400mg is acceptable for further pain control if needed.
Take it with meals. Ibuprofen may be taken at the same time as Tramadol and Tylenol since they are not in the same class.
Side effects*: itchiness, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, sweating, insomnia; liver problems (when acetaminophen is included)
Miralax: stool softener to be taken while on pain medication; 17g by mouth daily (mix powder with liquid of your choice)
Side effects*: nausea, gas, drowsiness, stomach ache, loss of appetite
Bactrim (trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole): DS by mouth, twice per day, for 7 days (take only as directed)
Side effects*: itching, rash, diarrhea, nausea, headache
If allergic to this or sulfa drugs, can substitute with another antibiotic like Augmentin, Clindamycin, or Ciprofloxacin
*This is not a complete list of all the side effects that may occur with these medications. Getting side effects are infrequent; the side effects named are the more common ones for those who do experience side effects. Please call the office if you have any questions about your medications. Definitely notify us if you notice a rash that started soon after starting a new medication. If you notice shortness of breath or difficulty breathing after taking a new medication, call 911 and/or go to the nearest emergency room. You may be having a serious allergic reaction to the medication.
Call office or your surgeon for fevers, chills, redness and pus from the incision, or pain not controlled with pain medication. If after hours, call the office phone number and leave a message; urgent messages will be relayed to the surgeons. If you feel it is a medical emergency and need immediate help, call 911 and/or go to the closest Emergency Room.